Knights of Columbus
Parish Breakfast
Holy Rosary Parish Hall
Sunday September 18th
8:30am to 1:00pm
After All Masses
Which is better, crispy bacon or chewy bacon? This and other mysteries of life can be pondered at the next World Famous Knights of Columbus Parish Breakfast.
Brother Knights will be hard at work, cooking and serving up a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausages, pancakes and of course, bacon. Along with your choice of beverage, coffee, tea or juice you can enjoy the company of your fellow parishioners and see how they like their bacon. I think you will find the only answer is crispy!
All are Welcome - Freewill Donations Accepted - Cash, Debit, Credit
Enjoy it While You Can
There are only three Parish Breakfasts scheduled between now and next summer, don't miss a single one!