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Council News

Last Chance to Support Our Team!

HCCF 24 Hour Fast

Donations Close May 10th

Donate to Our Team:

The Knights of Columbus 24 Hour Fast Team completed their fasts in March but your last chance to donate is coming soon. Donations close for this fundraising event on May 10th. Please help us support local children and families in need!

The HCCF is an independent charity that has partnered with the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) to support their students and families in need. HCCF raises funds to help HCDSB students overcome financial barriers to learning, with the ultimate goal of helping these students succeed in school.

Struggling HCDSB families need your help to purchase food and other basic necessities. Neighbours who often need to make really tough choices between food or rent or clothes for their children. We are giving because, believe it or not, there is a great need in Halton to help students – 10.5% of Halton children live in low-income households. Amazingly that’s about 3800 HCDSB Students….we had no idea that many children were in need. Poverty remains a powerful factor in whether a student succeeds in school. Please be kind, be generous and sponsor us for the HCCF 24 Hour Fast.

Donate to Our Team:


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