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Council News

Season of Giving: Annual Food Drive

The Knights of Columbus annual Advent Food Drive runs from Saturday December 2nd to Sunday December 23rd. Non-perishable food donations can be dropped off at the Knights of Columbus trailer located in the Holy Rosary Church parking lot on Saturdays and Sundays before and after each mass.

Cash, debit and credit donations will also be accepted in person or online

All donations support the Milton Food Bank.

A food drive is a powerful expression of community compassion, bringing people together to tackle the pervasive issue of hunger. In a collaborative effort, individuals donate non-perishable goods, creating a collective force that transcends socio-economic boundaries. Beyond providing sustenance, these initiatives foster a sense of unity and shared responsibility, showcasing the profound impact of small, individual acts. As donated items fill pantry shelves, so too does a spirit of solidarity infuse communities, demonstrating that a simple can of food holds the potential to nourish not just the body, but the collective soul of a caring society.

The essence of a food drive lies not just in the collected cans and boxes but in the coming together of people with a shared purpose. It embodies the belief that everyone deserves access to nourishing meals, fostering a sense of empathy and communal responsibility. Such initiatives go beyond charity; they spark conversations about systemic challenges contributing to hunger and inspire a collective commitment to creating lasting solutions.

Lets make a difference again this year, please join us in fighting hunger in our community.

The Knights of Columbus annual Advent Food Drive runs from Saturday December 2nd to Sunday December 23rd. Non-perishable food donations can be dropped off at the Knights of Columbus trailer located in the Holy Rosary Church parking lot on Saturdays and Sundays before and after each mass.

Cash, debit and credit donations will also be accepted at the trailer or online

All donations support the Milton Food Bank.

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